Making a Live-Action Video: Science and Art

Video is an integral part of any company’s digital marketing strategy. Many statistics show how videos produced by video production companies like Spiel can add value to a business.
To expand on this point, we will look at the 2017 video statistics provided by.
82% of Twitter users view video content.
YouTube is used by 33.34%, or more than 1,000,000 Internet users.
YouTube hosts over 500 million hours worth of video content.
87% of brand marketers consider video a key part of their digital marketing strategy.
Video is 1/3 of all online activity.
These statistics prove that video is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy. These statistics are the foundation for this assertion.
Animation videos versus live action
There are three types: live-action videos, animated and whiteboard videos.
Whiteboard videos are easy to create. These videos must contain whiteboard drawings that describe a concept. These videos don’t match up in an age of high-quality graphics. These videos have their place in instructional videos. When it comes to brand marketing videos, however, you have only two options: an animated or live-action video.
Animation videos don’t always do the job. For physical products or facilities, live-action videos offer a better viewing experience.
Although most companies operate in digital spaces, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic began, it is important to include the human element of videos in a marketing campaign. Stories that are human-interest stories attract people. While 2D and 3-D animations add value to live video, they are limited in their ability to convey human emotion.
Making a live action video
Three steps are required to produce live-action video.
1. Pre-production
It is crucial to understand the video’s marketing message in detail. The video won’t have the desired effect on the target audience of the brand or product if it isn’t. Live-action videos can be expensive, but they provide a high ROI that is well worth the effort. Your company won’t waste money if the video conveys your marketing message clearly and concisely.
After the marketing message is finalized, props must be designed and built, locations must be arranged and actors hired.
2. Production
The video production phase is the time when it is shot. The video is shot by a video production team that includes a videographer. Each scene is shot multiple times. The video production team also shoots additional b-roll and footage to ensure that there is enough material for the post-production team.
3. Post-production
The final video is created in the post-production phase, also known as editing. The final video is made up of all the elements, such as the main scene video, b-roll and 2D animation.
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